Monday, July 29, 2013

Bite My Tounge

There are times as a pastor's wife that I need to bite my tongue. I know that some things are not worth stirring up and that the situation will resolve itself, more times than not, with time and patience. The hardest times for me are when things are said about my husband, that are not true, and my wife defenses want to stand up to scream to defend him.

I'm not saying that pastor's are perfect. I'm not saying that they don't make mistakes. I know that they are just as human as the rest of us. They live in glass houses, though, and are scrutinized and judged more than anyone can imagine. We spouses have some of that but we can escape behind the curtain in the glass house. But it never seems to be pulled for the pastor.

I have seen my husband go through some tough things in our marriage. Life is not always fair. But he has always held his head up and remained strong, maybe just for me, but he never seems to lose his way and can always see that things will be better tomorrow.

 I do have to admit that there is one thing that does seem to bring him down a little and that is when his motives are being questioned. He does not do anything in a rash manner and thinks everything through. Sometimes this drives me crazy because there I times I want to lead with my emotions and do not want to think things through. But he never wants to do anything that would bring shame to the Lord. He is a good good man.

Every minister that I have ever known, who truly is doing the work of the Lord, is the same in this. They know that what they are doing is something they feel God is telling them to do. They all have such hard times when what they are doing is called into question.

I can't do much, except pray, about the other pastors. But I, as Rodney's wife, can and will support him whole heartedly. Because I know his heart. I know his love for his savior. I know his love for his family. I know his love for his country. And I know his love for his flock!!  He is, without a doubt, the kind of man God has called him to be!  

One thing I do, when he is saddened is to go to God and seek a gentle word to say to my husband. Also I remind Rodney that as he leads he is never alone. Of course he has me, but I really mean God. I remind him (although he already knows) that He will help and see him through. Moses reminded Joshua of the very same thing......

Deuteronomy 31:7-8

Common English Bible (CEB)
Then Moses called Joshua and, with all Israel watching, said to him: “Be strong and fearless because you are the one who will lead[a] this people to the land the Lord swore to their ancestors to give to them; you are the one who will divide up the land for them. But the Lord is the one who is marching before you! He is the one who will be with you! He won’t let you down. He won’t abandon you. So don’t be afraid or scared!”

It is amazing to be with Rodney in the ministry. It is amazing to see how he is being used to lead others as they show the love of Christ. It is amazing to watch as God goes before him and protects and directs him. I know he and I wouldn't trade this life for anything, glass house and all. But because I love him so fiercely, sometimes I do have to bite my tongue!!!


Saturday, July 27, 2013

First Fruits

I am so excited! This is my second favorite time in the garden. The first fruits to be harvested. Aren't they beautiful?

I have been watching this pepper for quite a while and had to be held back from picking it. I knew that it needed more nourishment from the plant and its roots. The cucumber, on the other hand I wanted to leave it a little longer but also knew that it would make a better pickle if it was not too big.

The whole process in the planting of the seed, watching the plant grow and bloom and then the harvesting of the crop has amazed me since I was a child. My siblings and I had to help my dad with a half acre garden as we were growing up and I loved how you could almost watch the veggies growing on the vine. Except the potatoes and carrots of course.

Another thing that never ceases to amaze me is how God had this planned even before he created our earth. Not only did He know what he was going to do but He had the power to just speak it and it was so.

Genesis 1:11

Common English Bible (CEB)
11 God said, “Let the earth grow plant life: plants yielding seeds and fruit trees bearing fruit with seeds inside it, each according to its kind throughout the earth.” And that’s what happened.

God had a plan for our whole ecosystem and it has, and will, continued to ebb and flow throughout every season of our lives.  Just think about how God cares for us and wants to make sure we are fed! The next time you go to your garden or even the produce section of the grocery, stop and look around and let the miracle of this seep in!



Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Today Rodney's schedule was crazy. Four meetings in the morning and three more in the afternoon and into the evening. I figured that we would not see him until after 10:00 pm. At 1:00 this afternoon he calls and asks if we could come to the church and pick him up and go to McDonald's for a quick bite. He was feeling bad that he wasn't going to see us all day. 

Did you know that God feels even worse than Rodney does when He doesn't get to spend time with us each day? He gave us the gift of life because He loves us and wants of have fellowship with us. He wants to give us blessings and show His love everyday.

Ephesians 5:1-2

The Message (MSG)

    1-2 Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn’t love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that.

Yes it was only fast food and yes we were only with Rodney for about an hour but the fact that he really wanted to be with us made us feel loved and appreciated. We reveled in Rodney's company. It made our day.

Keeping company with God makes more than just our day. It makes our life. God is love! He created it and gave His all for it. You can find peace and contentment and an assurance that you are loved more than you can even imagine. 

Just thinking about this gives me goosebumps. Knowing the Divine doesn't want to miss a moment with us. Wow!

If only we could learn to love, even just a fraction, like that.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Crazy bugs!

Today Riley and I needed to run an errand that took us into New Castle. It was raining slightly as we drove in and still we had a few bugs hit the windshield. I thought that was a little weird but realizing that the corn is tasseling I figured there are a bunch of bugs eating on that and we were driving between two fields of tall corn stalks. So even in the rain the bugs were out there. 

On the way back home the rain had let up. Which we thought was a good thing until we came up to the corn again. First there were a couple of bugs that hit the windshield and then all of a sudden there were hundreds. It got to where I was getting worried that I wouldn't be able to see out and I was afraid to run the wipers for fear that I would smear the bug innards far worse than they were already. 

I could see a little fear in Riley's eyes and I have to admit that it felt like a horror movie to me as well.  I have never seen anything like that. Yes I have driven through bugs before, but these were some crazy bugs. Abundance can be good, but this was not one of those times!

Made me think of the plague in Egypt when the locusts came and then made me even more grateful that this will never happen again according to the scriptures.....

Exodus 10:14

Common English Bible (CEB)
14 The locusts swarmed over the whole land of Egypt and settled on the whole country. Such a huge swarming of locusts had never happened before and would never happen ever again.

I have to admit I said a little prayer that we would get home safe and when I pulled into the garage, and took a breath, I noticed that the area right where I look out, as I drive, was not nearly as covered as the rest of the windshield. 

God is good all the time, even in the midst of crazy, crazy bugs!


Saturday, July 20, 2013

Refreshing Day

Today is my husband's birthday. It is also my father's birthday. This makes both birthdays easy to remember. I think Rodney has had a good day. Riley and I have worked at making it a nice restful one for him. I even made Rodney a blueberry pie. He likes this pie but doesn't get it very often. We are now sitting here watching Rodney's favorite baseball team, The Twins out of Minnesota. Tonight we found out that it is also Tony Oliva's birthday. Tony is a former Twin's player whom Rodney really respects. His face really lit up when he realized this. 

I think that Rodney has felt very special today. We certainly want him to know how special he is to us. We know how hard he works for God and for us~And we know how much he needed this refreshing, restful day.

That is how God feels about us everyday. He wants us to know how special we are to Him and He wants to give us the rest we need from the crazy life we live. I love how Psalms puts this......

Psalm 116:6-7

Contemporary English Version (CEV)
6 You protect ordinary people,
and when I was helpless,
you saved me
7 and treated me so kindly
that I don’t need
to worry anymore.

Doesn't it make you feel refreshed just reading this?  
I know it does me. We don't have to be anyone but the ordinary people we are and still God comes to us and protects us and takes our worries away. He thinks we are that special!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

It's so hot!

Wow it sure is hot outside these days. But it is the end of July and it is the middle of summer, so I guess it shouldn't be a surprise that it is. The surprise for me is that it doesn't seem like it has been a year, already, from last year's heat. God has promised that as long as the earth exists we will have the changing of the seasons. The scriptures tell us so...

Genesis 8:22

Common English Bible (CEB)

22 As long as the earth exists,
seed time and harvest,
cold and hot,
summer and autumn,
day and night
will not cease.

But to me the changing seasons just seem to be coming quicker and quicker!

I really dislike the saying "that as you get older time passes quicker". But i
t does seem that way as we get busier with all of life's demands. There are so many obligations that have been put on us, from demanding jobs, to our children's sports and school events and, even, for the one's who believe in helping their local church, all the different jobs that need to be done there.

This isn't an article on trying to slow down. I know that sometimes that is an impossible thing but as we lay down to sleep each night, I do know how tired we can be though. It is nice to know that we have the, God given, gift of sleep. 

He is so good to help us with so many gifts of support.... 

2 Thessalonians 2:15-17

The Message (MSG)
15-17 So, friends, take a firm stand, feet on the ground and head high. Keep a tight grip on what you were taught, whether in personal conversation or by our letter. May Jesus himself and God our Father, who reached out in love and surprised you with gifts of unending help and confidence, put a fresh heart in you, invigorate your work, enliven your speech.

So as you and I live our busy lives, through each and every hot or cold season, it is good to remember that we have the promise of the help of God to see us through each and every day.


Monday, July 15, 2013

Poor Puppies

Today has been a catch up day with my treasurer work for the Thrift shop. I have been on vacation and then on our youth mission trip, so a lot of stuff needed my attention. My poor puppies missed me tons while I was gone and wanted my attention too. But I had to work at the computer no matter what.

They kept fussing at me to play and take them for a walk and give them treats. They got my attention but not the way they wanted it. I finally got frustrated and got stern with them, to leave me alone. Poor doggies. Don't they look sad and mistreated?

Aren't we lucky that God doesn't get frustrated with us and yell at us to leave Him alone? You know that He is always busy keeping the universe going, controlling the tides, growing our crops, feeding the birds, raising and setting the sun. His work never stops. But our creator loves us so much that no matter how busy He is He hears and answers our prayers, gives us strength in our weakness, and makes sure we are taken care of throughout all of our everyday life. The scriptures are full of reminders of this.....

Luke 12:28

The Voice (VOICE)
28 Look at the grass growing over there. One day it’s thriving in the fields. The next day it’s being used as fuel. If God takes such good care of such transient things, how much more you can depend on God to care for you, weak in faith as you are.

Deuteronomy 11:11-12

The Voice (VOICE)
11 But in the land where you’re going to live, the hills and valleys drink water right out of the sky! 12 He takes care of this land; He’s always looking after it, all throughout the year.

1 John 5:14

The Message (MSG)

13-15 My purpose in writing is simply this: that you who believe in God’s Son will know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have eternal life, the reality and not the illusion. And how bold and free we then become in his presence, freely asking according to his will, sure that he’s listening. And if we’re confident that he’s listening, we know that what we’ve asked for is as good as ours.

Aren't we lucky and blessed to know that God feels this way about us. We never have to beg and fuss at Him to get His attention. Hey, He even gave the ultimate gift for us. Death on the cross. How much more can he love us than that?

Well my dogs finally got to go on a walk after my work was all caught up. Which was just before dinner. Much later than they would have liked to go. I'm so glad you and I don't have to wait on God, the way they had to wait on me.


Be sure to think of God and his love as you watch the sun set tonight and remember He won't be too busy to love on you, as He helps it rise in the morning.


Friday, July 12, 2013

Don't Forget

Today was our last work day on our Mission Trip. Tomorrow we get to have fun by going to the zoo and having a community picnic.

The house got finished being painted today and the can goods were all put in the correct places for the food pantry. That left us with a little free time so we decided to go to the local nursing home and have a visit with the residents there.

Again our kids stepped up to the plate and made us proud. They got right in there and sang and talked and read to the elderly folks, who had just finished lunch and were ready to have a little entertainment.

I was with a few girls that helped me wander into some of the rooms where these folks couldn't or wouldn't leave their rooms. We had some small talk with some but actually got to sing for one sweet lady. 

As we were starting to wind down with the visit, I wandered off by myself for a little bit and met a forlorn little lady that wanted to be pushed back to her room. So I did. On the way back she confided in me that maybe she had had an accident. So I found a nurse and ask her, when she got a chance, could she please come help my new friend. While we were waiting for the nurse we got to talking about a bunch of stuff.

old people photography wisdomOne thing that came out was that she couldn't understand why God was keeping her alive. She said " I don't have anything to give to anyone any more except being a burden". Made me sad for her. I told her that one thing she did for me was to make my day complete by my just getting to learn from her history. She smiled at that. I hope I helped her to feel a little more appreciated.

Our kids seemed to understand what this time did for these wise and maybe a little forgetful people, who have gone before us and paved our way to a better world. I think they realized how sad and forgotten most of them have become. Maybe it will help them as we move back into our daily routines to maybe want to stop at the nursing homes in our area and spread a little happiness there too,

It shouldn't have to be just our youth, though, who are responsible to be there for these neglected citizens. All of us should remember that our elderly need our love and definitely our respect, for all the living they have done. To be sure, they have a lot to teach us if we listen.

Scriptures have something to say about this....

The elderly are easily forgotten, especially those without caring families. The church is called to honor those who have been faithful servants by maintaining relationships with them and helping them when they are in need.

1 Timothy 5:8B

The Voice (VOICE)

I hope my sweet little lady went to bed tonight a little happier for our time spent together today. I know I will.


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Green Beans

"Can I have some green beans?" That is what a small boy ask me today.

I know tons of people who don't even like green beans or could just take them or leave them. Most of us, probably, take it for granted that we can go to our pantries and get out a can if we want some or snap some fresh ones, if we so desire.

This little boy, today, had huge, gorgeous brown eyes.  You should have seen how wide they got when I told him he could have as many cans of green beans as he wanted. He actually started tearing up, which of course got me to doing the same.

How blessed are most of us?  We usually have all the food we want. Probably more than we need. We don't even think about this gift from God that we have. This ability to feed ourselves whenever we are hungry.

The mission trip that our youth are on this week has really been an eye opening experience for the adults and even more importantly, our kids.  

Feeding the people was something that was so close to our Savior's heart. He wanted to fill folk's souls as well as their stomach's. Christ showed so much care and love everywhere He went.

At the beginning of this week the Bishop spoke to the youth about this very subject and read to them this scripture.....

Matthew 25:40

The Voice (VOICE)
40 I tell you this: whenever you saw a brother or sister hungry or cold, whatever you did to the least of these, so you did to Me.

As we sat and listened to him speak that night, I know we were inspired by his words. But I don't think we realized just how close they were going to hit home for us, this week. 

It is so amazing how God puts us right where He wants us and then uses us for His purpose. The angels who run this pantry and lunch program have definitely been used by God for their community! And now, even if it has been just been for a little while, we have been lucky enough to get to have a small part of His plan, for this community, too!

That little boy also grabbed some fruit and pasta and even some corn, but he left with a whole bag of green beans and the hugest smile on his face. 

I hope that I never forget this day. I hope I never forget the joy on his face. But I hope, most of all, that this child saw a little bit of Christ's love in the smile on mine. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Happy House

This week the youth from our church are on a Mission Trip. We have joined up with several other youth groups from the around the state and are staying at a local college.  

Each of the groups has been assigned projects in and around the area. Our group has been working for a Methodist church about 40 miles from the campus. We seem to be spending quite a bit of time in the car but it gives the kids a chance to sleep on the way up and on the back.
This wonderful church, where we are working runs a lunch program for their community, whenever school is not in session. Half of the children in the area are on the free lunch program at their school so they were afraid  that the kids would not get to eat properly during the off school days. They felt convicted to start this program 7 years ago with very little money and a couple of volunteers. They now feed up to 175 people and several of their members offer to be there everyday. Along with the lunch they have a food pantry that is loaded with can goods and such, all because of donations.
I love the fact that our kids get to see what can happen when people step out on faith and let God help them accomplish great things. Our group has really stepped up and have been helping move the, very many, cans of food out so that the lunch goers can have their pick as they are leaving.
Another project that the kids are helping with, is painting a house across the street from the church. This house was just bought by the church as an annex for their youth. Our guys worked out in the heat today and you know they had to be suffering some, but instead of fussing, one of our boys, while painting, put this smile on the house.

The attitude of our kids has been terribly moving, I am so proud of them!  Reminds me of this scripture.....

2 John 1:4
New International Version (NIV)
It has given me great joy to find some of your children walking in the truth, just as the Father commanded us.

I know these sweethearts are getting tired and I know we are working them way past their comfort zone. But you would not know it by their efforts. Just like the house seems happy with it's new paint, our kids seem to be happy to be out there helping others and in doing so are accomplishing great things for the kingdom of heaven.

It is such an honor to be a part of their team!!!


Friday, July 5, 2013


This last week, as you know, we spent a week with Rodney's family. Everyone of us is so different from one another. but even though we are, we still love each other. We do not always think the same and we have our own way of doing things, but that is OK. We still are a loving family in name and by birth, and no matter what, that will not change.

That is the same with a church family. We all come together from our own homes and think about things in hundreds of different ways but through all of that we are a family. We share the same name, Christian. We are followers of the one who gave all. 

While we were in Michigan this last week Rodney, Riley, Mom and I visited a Methodist church, on Sunday. They were in the midst of getting ready to welcome a new pastor. The week we were there was their last Sunday before he came.  Their former pastor had been a female and had been there for 8 years. You could tell that they had really loved her and that the change that was coming was going to be difficult for some of them. 

As their worship was getting ready to commence their staff parish chair got up and spoke with the congregation. She discussed the part in the Methodist Book of Discipline, that spoke of the ways to welcome a new pastor. She admonished them to not compare, not to expect that things would be the same as before. To give him a chance and be loving and accepting to him and his wife.  

I really appreciated the way that she was acted like everyone was family that needed some reminding. We are a big family. There are times when we do need to be reminded of this. I love the way it is stated in Romans.

Romans 12:4-13

The Message (MSG)

4-6 In this way we are like the various parts of a human body. Each part gets its meaning from the body as a whole, not the other way around. The body we’re talking about is Christ’s body of chosen people. Each of us finds our meaning and function as a part of his body. But as a chopped-off finger or cut-off toe we wouldn’t amount to much, would we? So since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be, without enviously or pridefully comparing ourselves with each other, or trying to be something we aren’t.
6-8 If you preach, just preach God’s Message, nothing else; if you help, just help, don’t take over; if you teach, stick to your teaching; if you give encouraging guidance, be careful that you don’t get bossy; if you’re put in charge, don’t manipulate; if you’re called to give aid to people in distress, keep your eyes open and be quick to respond; if you work with the disadvantaged, don’t let yourself get irritated with them or depressed by them. Keep a smile on your face.
9-10 Love from the center of who you are; don’t fake it. Run for dear life from evil; hold on for dear life to good. Be good friends who love deeply; practice playing second fiddle.
11-13 Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.

We as a family in Christ are so lucky to have one another. One thing about being a family is that it is always growing and changing. Rodney's family has two more babies in it than it did the last time we were all together. Just made for more fun and excitement. 

You are always a part of Christ's family, even as it grows and changes too. There will be times when we do not agree and there will be times when we wonder about each other but as we continue to work and grow together, please remember this.....we are all so loved by the Heavenly Father who makes us all, family, together!!! 


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Strong Country?

As I am sitting here it is almost July 4th. Our country's birthday. There is so much we can be proud of. Especially the religious freedoms we were founded upon.

At the time of our formation, we understood that God was in control and that He should be respected and followed. We actually understood this scripture....  

Proverbs 14:34
The Message (MSG)

34 God-devotion makes a country strong;
God-avoidance leaves people weak.

It seems as time has rolled on and we have become bigger and stronger, I fear we have forgotten where our strength came, and still comes from. It seems we think that all we have and all we can do comes from our own power. We are so wrong on that. We really need to understand that we still need our God and we need Him even more than ever. Before it is too late for us and we anger the one who created and has allowed for us, everything we have.

Jeremiah 10:10The Message (MSG)
10 But God is the real thing—
the living God, the eternal King.
When he’s angry, Earth shakes.
Yes, and the godless nations quake.

As we celebrate the birthday of our country I hope we all realize that we can keep ourselves safe, growing and strong with this one thing....

Psalm 145:19
The Message (MSG)

19 He does what’s best for those who fear him—
hears them call out, and saves them.

As we all picnic, spend family time and shoot off the fireworks this 4th of July, lets remember to stop and call out to the creator of all countries and get ours back to where we started.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Living by the Lighthouse

Tawas Point Lighthouse I am sitting here at my sister-n-law's cabin looking out the picture window. Her house sits right on lake Heron. I mean you can really just walk out the back door and be in the lake in less than 1 minute. The water today is beautiful! There are three layers of color as you study the lake water. The shallow is a browner color, the middle color, just over the head depth, is turquoise and the deep water is very dark blue. It definitely would make a beautiful picture to paint. Might have to.

As you look across the bay where we are situated you can see this lighthouse. It is named the Tawas Point Lighthouse. It was constructed in the late 1800's and was first fueled by lard. Over the years it has gone from using the lard, to kerosene, to electricity to shine it's life saving light, to guide the ships into a safe, calm harbor.

Reminds me of our guide, the Bible. First, in the Old Testament God gave the Ten Commandments and then the Laws in Leviticus to follow, as safe, life giving, guides, to our God in heaven. In the New Testament, God came to us in the body of Christ and the law became grace. Being a follower of Christ is the fuel and guide that brings us into the safe harbor of salvation today.

Leviticus 26:46

The Message (MSG)
46 These are the decrees, laws, and instructions that God established between himself and the People of Israel through Moses at Mount Sinai.

John 8:12
The Message (MSG)

12 Jesus once again addressed them: “I am the world’s Light. No one who follows me stumbles around in the darkness. I provide plenty of light to live in.”

The law may have turned to grace but the lighthouse is always there. Following the scriptures of the Bible will lead us to the creating, life saving, lover of our souls and guides us to where there is safety, peace and above all light.  
