Monday, January 28, 2013


Saturday Riley's grandparents took us all out to dinner and then let Riley pick out a birthday present. He has been wanting a better CD stereo for his bedroom, so that is what he picked out. Part of the deal with putting something new in his bedroom was we needed to clean up his room. Of course his version of cleaning and mine are a little different. So I started helping him. Cleaning out behind his bed was an adventure and a little mysterious. I kind of didn't even want to put my hand down behind to find all the things that shouldn't be back there. Kept thinking there might be a live critter or something. There wasn't but I was  glad when we were done.

In my reading today Colossians 1:25-27 came up. Here is what I read: God appointed me to bring all of his word to you.That word contains the mystery that has been hidden for many ages. But now it has been made known to God's people. God has chosen to make known to them the glorius riches of that mystery.  And here is what it is. Christ is in you. He is your hope and Glory! (NIV Readers edition)

Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to worry about a mysterious mystery here? Christ is in us. We know of His presence! Gives me goose bumps to think about how we are the hands and feet of Jesus. We don't have to worry about trying to find Him. Just look within. Nothing scary there.

The deal is, though, we need to take the mystery out of this for others. Show how Christ lives in them as well.  We need to show them the peace that comes from this knowledge.  "How we live our faith does matter", huh?



  1. That was a wonderful thought Sherry. :) I'm glad you are doing this blog and I look forward to reading it every day. :) I am glad you are in my life.

  2. Lisa, I am glad you are in my life too. You and your mother are the sweetest people!!! I might not get to this everyday but as things come up I will. Maybe while we are in Israel I can post something.
