Wednesday, January 30, 2013

One of those days!

One of those days...

Well ladies I don't usually post everyday but this morning has been one of those days, already, and I just needed to tell you about it.

Last night something happened with all the wind and we lost power. It woke us up enough that I set the alarm on Rodney's phone (or so I thought) so that I would still be able to get up on time to get Riley on the bus. Well, you can guess it, I forgot to tell the phone yes, I did want the alarm on. So of course I woke up late. The bus would be there in 5 minutes. I got Riley up and started him on his way to getting dressed.

This is spirit week at his school and today was Nerd day. Luckily I had already put some white tape on his glasses so all we had to do to finish his outfit was to put some pins in the front pocket of his button down shirt. I must have slept fretfully after the power went off because my hair looked like I had stood on my head all night. I got Riley sat down to eat breakfast and was just trying to smooth down my hair as the bus pulled up. 

There is a rule that they cannot eat on the bus and my Riley takes food very seriously so I went out to the bus and told the driver I would run him to school. My car needed gas and this would be a good time to get some. We live 15 miles from his school so I figured I had plenty enough gas to get that done.

It was still dark and still raining as we set off.  I looked down at my gas gauge half way there, and realized I may have figured wrong so I reached around behind my seat to get my phone out of my purse, just in case I needed to call Rodney. Guess what. My purse and phone were still back at the house. I had gotten the car out of the garage and ran in to get Riley but forgot to pick up my purse. I didn't let on too much because I didn't want to upset Riley any more than a change in his routine already had, so we went ahead and drove to school.

I ran him into the school, still looking like I had slept on my head, OH WELL, and started back for home, with the fear that I may be walking soon, without an ID and looking like a crazy woman. Now this is when I realized I was taking all this stress on myself and had not even prayed for help.

I stopped at a stop sign and said a little prayer. To my amazement my gas gauge came up a little. Not tons, because I really didn't deserve it to. I usually don't let my gas get so low but for some reason had this time. Anyway, a peace came over me and this sweet song came on the CD about how God will lead you home. No lie!!!  Ladies, God is so amazing. He was probably laughing but He knew I needed that little extra help and He gave it!!

Matthew chapter 6 came to mind as I was heading home, now in daylight, not the dark and the rain. Parts of it talk about how we are not to worry about anything. I started laughing and apologizing to our heavenly Father for all the fretting, worrying and stewing.

I hope your day goes smooth but if it doesn't, don't do what I did, ask for help before you fret!!


Monday, January 28, 2013


Saturday Riley's grandparents took us all out to dinner and then let Riley pick out a birthday present. He has been wanting a better CD stereo for his bedroom, so that is what he picked out. Part of the deal with putting something new in his bedroom was we needed to clean up his room. Of course his version of cleaning and mine are a little different. So I started helping him. Cleaning out behind his bed was an adventure and a little mysterious. I kind of didn't even want to put my hand down behind to find all the things that shouldn't be back there. Kept thinking there might be a live critter or something. There wasn't but I was  glad when we were done.

In my reading today Colossians 1:25-27 came up. Here is what I read: God appointed me to bring all of his word to you.That word contains the mystery that has been hidden for many ages. But now it has been made known to God's people. God has chosen to make known to them the glorius riches of that mystery.  And here is what it is. Christ is in you. He is your hope and Glory! (NIV Readers edition)

Isn't it wonderful that we don't have to worry about a mysterious mystery here? Christ is in us. We know of His presence! Gives me goose bumps to think about how we are the hands and feet of Jesus. We don't have to worry about trying to find Him. Just look within. Nothing scary there.

The deal is, though, we need to take the mystery out of this for others. Show how Christ lives in them as well.  We need to show them the peace that comes from this knowledge.  "How we live our faith does matter", huh?


Tuesday, January 22, 2013


It is official, Riley has shared his cold with his mother. Isn't he a good kid? This is about the third bout of illness that we have had go through the family, since fall. It is getting very frustrating. I am tired of us being sick. Tired of us being exhausted and run down.

In my reading today I came across Psalm 68:9b -(NET),"When your chosen people are tired, you sustain them". I think God knew exactly what I needed to read today. It never ceases to amaze me how He looks into our lives and gives us the tools we need to conquer and overcome all that comes our way. We, like me this morning, sometimes forget about His love and caring and instead pout and stew when really all we have to do is remember to lean on him and He sutains us!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Corner View

My husband is the pastor, here in Hagerstown, at the First United Methodist church. We live in their parsonage at Main and Pearl.  I am a lover of 1920's architecture. The wide trim boards, the built ins, formal dining room, beautiful stair rails, the list just goes on and on. This house has all of these things and so much more. It is so full of charm and personality, just like the people of Hagerstown. We  have been here 2 and a half years. You know when you are a clergy family in the Methodist church you never know how long you will be somewhere, so this time here has been wonderful! 
Small town living was not something Rodney or I had ever experienced but I have to tell you I am loving it. We have a 16 year old son who has Down syndrome, as well as a grown son, in the Navy, and two grandchildren. Everyone who has met our Riley, here, has taken him under their wings. I think he would be safe anywhere in town. Jeremiah 29:11 Says, "I  know the plans I have you." He certainly knew what he was doing when He put us here.
I love caring for women and their spiritual well beings. I have been given the opportunity to move on that calling in so many ways. Maybe this blog will be another way to bless women, and also find help for myself, as well. 
Let's see what pops up to talk about!