Monday, December 30, 2013


New Years Eve is my husband and I's anniversary. We have always joked that we married on this day so that we wouldn't forget to celebrate together. The truth of the matter is I could never forget that day. This was the day that truly sent me on the path of what a marriage should be like. Showed me how a husband should really treat his wife and how a father should be with his children. Rodney and I love each other and our family with the kind of love that comes from the scriptures....

Colossians 3:19, 21

The Message (MSG)
19 Husbands, go all out in love for your wives. Don’t take advantage of them.

21 Parents, don’t come down too hard on your children or you’ll crush their spirits.

I know that some women will hate the message of next few verses. They want to be thought of as strong as men. Mentally, yes we are, but lets face it, men do tend to be stronger, physically.

And as wives of these men why not let them treat you special. It doesn't make us weaker to let them feel stronger. They need to feel that we count on them for so many things and love them for all that they do.

I think since my diagnoses of Lupus Rodney has become more supportive and loving than ever before. Part of this is that I had to admit that there are some things I just can't do anymore and that I need him more than ever before. This was hard for me but I have survived this realization. And have an even better marriage because we are living the married life described here.....

1 Peter 3:7

Good News Translation (GNT)
In the same way you husbands must live with your wives with the proper understanding that they are more delicate than you. Treat them with respect, because they also will receive, together with you, God's gift of life. Do this so that nothing will interfere with your prayers.

Ephesians 5:22-23

The Message (MSG)
22 Wives, understand and support your husbands in ways that show your support for Christ. 
23 The husband provides leadership to his wife the way Christ does to his church, not by domineering but by cherishing...

God created marriage so that man would not be alone and so that we could be happy and populate the world. Do you think He would give us the wrong prescription in the scriptures on how to make it work? Of course not!

Now I am not saying that Rodney and I do not have issues at times. We are only human you know. Sometimes we each want to do things our own way and butt heads. At these times we step back, think about what we are doing, pull ourselves together, apologize, and get back to the way things should be. 
The wonderful thing about this is that there are less and less times that we need to step back and think. As we continue on in our scripture led marriage, we have become more and more in sync with each other and happier and happier together, as the years roll on.

My hope is, as we head into a New Year, and as the years roll on for you and your spouse, that the two of you will have the kind of relationship that will bring peace to you and your family!  The same way it has happened for us. I know there is nothing sweeter!


Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After

I am sitting here in the quiet of our home, this morning, thinking about the joys of yesterday. It was such a peaceful, sweet, relaxing day and I smile just thinking of it.

The first joy of the day was that Riley, before going in to see the Santa haul, wanted to sing Happy Birthday to Jesus and to thank Him for the gift He came to give. It is wonderful to see that the teaching of the true meaning of the day has sunk in on our sweet, youngest son. 

The second joy, was seeing the look of pure happiness on Riley's face as he realized that he had gotten his, ask for, karaoke machine. Now Riley's joy of music, in all forms, is so amazing to us. Most Down syndrome children have a hard time with rhythm. and he did for a while. But as he continued to plug away at trying he has accomplished playing the drums, and the xylophone on a scale that surprises us and makes us so proud of him. 

Now singing is another thing.  Riley takes after his paternal grandfather on this. Neither one can carry a tune what so ever. But that did not stop Riley from singing at the top of his lungs all afternoon, with the karaoke machine. We were relegated to the concert all afternoon too! All we could do was smile. He was in heaven.

Another joy of the day was getting to speak with my folks on the phone and getting to spend the day with Rodney's. We are so blessed to have both sets with us. I know that not all of our friends have the joy of this and we are so lucky. Both of our parents love the Lord and love their children and grandchildren with all their hearts. What a gift they are to us.

One of our biggest joys this year is that our oldest, Phillip, is a happy man with his new bride. We love that he is content now and that she loves him and respects the wonderful man he is. She is so good to our grandchildren. Peace has come to their home. We truly thank God, for that.

I could go on and on with the list of the joys of the day, there were so many for us and I know that there were so many for you too, during your day. Isn't Christmas a wonderful reminder that God is so good. As we continue on with our lives after our restful, joyful day of yesterday, let's not forget to remember who gave the day to us. Let's not forget to praise and thank Him as He is with us everyday, giving us life, peace, help, joy, and most of all His love!!!

Psalm 147:1
The Message (MSG)

147 Hallelujah!
It’s a good thing to sing praise to our God;
praise is beautiful, praise is fitting.

How true this verse is. We would do well in the coming new year to remember everything good comes from Him! Everything beautiful comes from Him! And as we praise and thank Him we will find that the joys will just keep on coming!

Have a Blessed and Happy New Year friends!


Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A Child Is Born!

Isaiah 9:6-7

New International Version (NIV)
For to us a child is born,
    to us a son is given,
    and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
    Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
    Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the greatness of his government and peace
    there will be no end.
He will reign on David’s throne
    and over his kingdom,
establishing and upholding it
    with justice and righteousness
    from that time on and forever.
The zeal of the Lord Almighty
    will accomplish this.

I hope the message of this Christmas season brings you the peace that our Christ came to be born for and then die for. And that the greatness of His resurrection touches your heart with a joy that changes your life.



Saturday, December 21, 2013

Angels Among Us!

Every year, at this time, my husband and I have an open house at the parsonage. We enjoy having friends and family, from all over, coming and visiting.  This Christmas month Rodney has been preaching about Words From a 2nd Class Angel. In his sermons he has been using clips from the movie "It's a Wonderful Life". So my over all theme this open house is "Angels". We are having angel food cake, wings, cookies that look like clouds, hot wing dip, frothy punch, etc. I usually have so much fun getting ready for each open house.

But this year I have a rather gimpy knee and am having to use a crutch most of the time to get around. This makes cleaning house tough and I was beginning to think that everyone would be seeing the dust and clutter that true family living brings, instead of the sparkling parsonage I most want to present . But I have angels of my own who have come to rescue me.

Two sweet friends have gone out of their way to help with the cleaning. They have vacuumed, mopped, dusted and even helped clean our bathrooms. Others are helping with some of the food preparation. I am truly blessed and can't even express how grateful I am to have such sweet ladies as my angel friends.

All through the old testament scriptures and the new testament scriptures we read of angels being sent by God to minister, serve, and tell of the great things that God has done or will be doing. 

One of the most important jobs we see angels do is to take care of Jesus...

Matthew 4:11
The Message (MSG)
11 The Test was over. The Devil left. And in his place, angels! Angels came and took care of Jesus’ needs.

Another thing that we see angels doing is reporting to God about us humans and reporting to us the messages sent from God....

Matthew 18:10

The Message (MSG)
10 “Watch that you don’t treat a single one of these childlike believers arrogantly. You realize, don’t you, that their personal angels are constantly in touch with my Father in heaven?

Matthew 1:20-21

Common English Bible (CEB)

20-23 While he was trying to figure a way out, he had a dream. God’s angel spoke in the dream: “Joseph, son of David, don’t hesitate to get married. Mary’s pregnancy is Spirit-conceived. God’s Holy Spirit has made her pregnant. She will bring a son to birth, and when she does, you, Joseph, will name him Jesus—‘God saves’—because he will save his people from their sins.

Luke 2:8-14

Common English Bible (CEB)

Nearby shepherds were living in the fields, guarding their sheep at night. The Lord’s angel stood before them, the Lord’s glory shone around them, and they were terrified.

10 The angel said, “Don’t be afraid! Look! I bring good news to you—wonderful, joyous news for all people. 11 Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord. 12 This is a sign for you: you will find a newborn baby wrapped snugly and lying in a manger.” 13 Suddenly a great assembly of the heavenly forces was with the angel praising God. They said, 14 “Glory to God in heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favors.”

Wow, what a wonderful message that was. Can't you just imagine how excited those angels were to get to be the ones to get this job!

Angels most and above all love and praise our Lord.....

Revelation 5:11-12
Common English Bible (CEB)

11 Then I looked, and I heard the sound of many angels surrounding the throne, the living creatures, and the elders. They numbered in the millions—thousands upon thousands. 12 They said in a loud voice,

“Worthy is the slaughtered Lamb
to receive power, wealth, wisdom, and might,
and honor, glory, and blessing.”

Revelation 7:11
Common English Bible (CEB)

11 All the angels stood in a circle around the throne, and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell facedown before the throne and worshipped God....

I don't know about you but I find myself in awe that God would think us silly humans important enough to send us these messengers of help and peace. They have so many other important things to be dong!!. 

So in this wonderful season of the year be sure to keep an eye out for the angels God sends your way. 

Hebrews 1:14
Amplified Bible (AMP)
14 Are not the angels all ministering spirits (servants) sent out in the service [of God for the assistance] of those who are to inherit salvation?

Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas!!


Thursday, December 19, 2013

Too Seriously!

Every morning I listen to my second favorite pastor. This morning he was preaching on the fact that Jesus is God and God can not approve or be around sin on any level. So when we speak of God's forgiveness and His ability to forget about our sin, it does not mean that we will get to avoid the consequences of that sin. Rodney, my favorite pastor, said something along these same line last night. I think that God is trying to bring home a point to me.

Acts 7:42

The Message (MSG)
42 “God wasn’t at all pleased; but he let them do it their way, worship every new god that came down the pike—and live with the consequences...

We as Christians sometimes think that we have a free ride with the freewill that God has given us. We can live out the humanness in ourselves, ask forgiveness, and then think that since God has forgiven us nothing will come of the actions we have done. So we talk about others, we judge others, we even lie, steal or do any number of things thinking that we are above the natural cause and effect of living on this earth. 

Not true!!! For every action there is a reaction. It is the Butterfly effect that Rodney preached about a couple of weeks ago. 

But even as I type this I am reminded that yes there are consequences for each sin but it is not up to us to worry about anyone except ourselves. We have gotten so off track lately with thinking about what is right and what is wrong, or who said what and who should be punished for what they said or did. 

TV stations, government and even Christians and Christian organizations have taken it upon themselves to be the judge of all.  We are choosing what is right or what is wrong, forgetting we have all sinned and done wrong and that there is no wrong that is greater than another. We have been commanded to love our neighbors. Not judge their actions. Just love them. This scripture from Micah says this very thing....

Micah 6:8
The Message (MSG)

8 But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do,
what God is looking for in men and women.
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor,
be compassionate and loyal in your love,
And don’t take yourself too seriously—
take God seriously.

I love the last line of this. "Don't take yourself too seriously-take God seriously." Let's stop making ourselves the judges for all and relax and let God take care of what needs taken care of.

As Christmas and the New Year approaches let's truly love everyone no matter what. Then peace could dominate this world and not hate. Our churches could be full, our neighborhoods could be safe, and we as Christians could really be living out the faith that we claim we have.

I hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas and a very peaceful New Year!!


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Telling The Story

I am having a little bit of trouble with a knee which requires me to use a crutch for some extra support. With this comes questions from everyone who knows me asking about what happened that caused this. I really do not like feeling helpless or weak.  So I tend to get a little embarrassed when I tell and retell the story.

This has gotten me to thinking about how we feel about sharing the story of our Lord. Do we get embarrassed or too shy to share Him with others? Do we think that others will think we are weak if we do?

Paul, in the scriptures tells us that he has no problems sharing the message of what God's plan for us is.....

Romans 1:16

The Message (MSG)
16-17 It’s news I’m most proud to proclaim, this extraordinary Message of God’s powerful plan to rescue everyone who trusts him, starting with Jews and then right on to everyone else! 

Wouldn't it be a different world if we all could go out boldly and tell others about what our Lord has done for us. Instead of being too timid, or proud, or worried about what everyone thinks of us. It was a good thing that Jesus didn't back down from all He did for us. 

In this season of giving why not give the most wonderful present anyone could ever get. Tell them about how the Savior came as a babe, and would grow up and go to the cross to give all of us the chance for eternal life with our God. 

Let's not be like me, let's not be too shy or embarrassed to tell and retell the story.

Have a blessed Christmas season!

Monday, December 9, 2013

A Wonderful Life

Wow, it has been awhile since I have gotten to sit down and write a blog. I apologize for that, but life has been so busy for my family lately. I understand that that is really no excuse because we tend to make time for the things we really want to do. I guess I have chosen to just be with my men when ever a moment has opened up because lately, with the thrift shop, the craft shows and the activities at church, not many moments have. 

Life with my family is wonderful and being away from my men so much has made me a little frustrated and I'm sure left them feeling neglected, somewhat too.

Rodney, my husband, has started a sermon series about the sayings from Clarence, the second class angel, in "It's a Wonderful Life:, with Jimmy Stuart.

As a side note, it amazes me how Rodney can let God use him to take words that are spoken from an old movie and make them into a sermon in which God's words from the scripture become more real and really speak into our lives. But don't mind me, I just love the boy.

Anyway, last night we had movie night at church, with popcorn and everything, and instead of just seeing a few clips on Sunday mornings, we watched the whole movie. 

Throughout the movie George kept fighting the life he had been given. He wanted to travel and get out of the small town he had grown up in. But that was not the plan for him.
He ended up taking over his father's business and marrying a hometown girl. He felt sorry for himself and kept wishing for things to change.

When trouble really came he just wasn't equipped to handle it and was contemplating taking his own life when God stepped in and rescued him. In the end George realized that his life had been wonderful after all.

Everyone came out from the movie thinking and talking about the same thing. We all have wonderful lives even if things aren't going exactly the way we want them too. Our living is a gift from God and should be delighted in, as this scripture from Ecclesiastes points out....

Yes, we should make the most of what God gives, both the bounty and the capacity to enjoy it, accepting what’s given and delighting in the work. It’s God’s gift! God deals out joy in the present, the now.

Ecclesiastes 5:18-19
The Message (MSG)

We can pout and fuss and wish for a different life or we can find joy in the one we have been given. If we realize that God is there through all of it we can feel supported and strong whenever this world really takes a whack at us and sets us back a bit.

My wish for you through this Christmas season, and through out the year, is that you love the life that has been given to you and feel the comfort and strength that comes from the one who has given everything to give it to you.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Our son, Phillip, and Patty, his sweet new wife, got home from their honeymoon last night. They have been in the Bahamas for the last week and had, mostly, warm sunny days. Today they woke up to cold weather and sleet. Talk about a change in their world. 

Life is like this all the time. You are headed in one direction then all of a sudden something happens and you find yourself in completely different circumstances. Sometimes these changes are pleasant and make us happy, but most often we find ourselves under stress and are very frustrated by the change.

God never promised us that life would always be perfect and understandable. As a matter of fact throughout the scriptures we read that troubles and changes will come. The one thing that He has promised is that He will be there for us throughout every thing that happens in our lives. God will be there to give support, hope, and to be happy with us or be sad with us. 

Romans 5:3-5 shows us this very thing.......

Romans 5:3-5

The Message (MSG)
3-5 There’s more to come: We continue to shout our praise even when we’re hemmed in with troubles, because we know how troubles can develop passionate patience in us, and how that patience in turn forges the tempered steel of virtue, keeping us alert for whatever God will do next. In alert expectancy such as this, we’re never left feeling shortchanged. Quite the contrary—we can’t round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!

Thank goodness for change. It builds our character and helps us to love God even more. It helps us to become stronger and stronger and helps us meet these setbacks, on our paths of life, with grace and virtue.

For the ones who do not understand that they have a creator who will help them through anything, and they see you staying positive through your troubles, it helps make them want the peace you have. What a great time to point them to Christ. Then both of you will feel all the generosity and love God can give. Life and it's changes will turn out to be the best thing that could happen. Salvation will come. Peace will come.

My hope for you is that this peace is with all of you for Thanksgiving and on into the Christmas season!


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Cleaning The Air

I have been helping clean out the back room of the thrift shop that the women of three local churches are in charge of, here in our small town. Today we pulled out an old work bench and discovered there was mold on the wall behind it.  Who knows how long the bench has been there and who knows how long the moisture that caused the mold has been there. Just thinking about us all breathing that air kind of makes me a little freaked out. It is funny how I didn't think anything of being in that area before I knew the mold was there. But after it was found the air seemed unhealthy and really dirty.

To be sure it had to be cleaned. I put on a mask and started scrubbing on the wall with bleach. It didn't take long before the mold was gone and the air smelled and felt clean to me again. 

That it is how it is when we figure out how much we need Christ. We come to the realization that our hearts and souls are in much need of a good scrubbing. We didn't understand how dirty we really were and when we do come to realize this, it kind of sickens us.   

Christ gave his life to clean our souls. Excepting His gift of salvation whitens us like the bleach cleaned the wall today. We feel fresh and pristine. We are scrubbed clean.

Hebrews 9:13-14

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
13 The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a cow were sprinkled on those who were no longer pure enough to enter the place of worship. The blood and ashes made them pure again—but only their bodies. 14 So surely the blood sacrifice of Christ can do much more. Christ offered himself through the eternal Spirit[a] as a perfect sacrifice to God. His blood will make us completely clean from the evil we have done. It will give us clear consciences so that we can worship the living God.

 Christ came to give us a clean start. A feeling of freshness. Nothing left to feel guilty about. We can breath easier because our sins are forgiven and forgotten. The author of Psalms 32 put this into words even before Christ came to live on this earth.....

Psalm 32:1

The Message (MSG)

Count yourself lucky, how happy you must be—
    you get a fresh start,
    your slate’s wiped clean.

I am looking forward to walking into the back room tomorrow, knowing how clean the wall will be and knowing how much fresher the air, that we will be breathing, will be.

Imagine how good it is to wake up in the morning feeling clean and unfettered by sin, with no dirt and filth left in our soul. I know there is no better feeling in the world!

My wish for you is that you know this feeling too!


Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Our son, Phillip, and his wonderful fiance, Patty, are finally getting married this weekend. As I am doing laundry and packing for the trip I keep thinking about how happy Phillip is now compared to his life in the past.

Phillip has been married before and even though she was a great girl she and Phillip just couldn't make it work, for various reasons. During this time in his life he would call me so upset and sometimes would ask me why life was so hard and when would things get better. I would assure him that we were praying for him and in time he would be happy again. I knew he and his children needed to have hope of this, but I also knew I was right in this. God and time are healers of so many things.

We all live in anticipation of something. For Phillip and Patty and our family, right now we are all so excited and can hardly wait for this Saturday when Rodney will get to pronounce them, "Husband and Wife". She will be such a added blessing to our family, but for me to be able to see the happiness and contentment on our son's face and to know that his time of loneliness is over and his healing is complete, is going to be such a gift from God.

Unfortunately our world has been waiting for healing for a long time.  Here in America we have job losses, problems with health care, poverty, hunger, worries about our safety and an uncertainty for our futures. The rest of the world has these same problems but some people have them on such a grand scale, we here in the states can't even imagine it. Hope is failing and as this happens our world becomes a sadder and sadder place to be.

But hope can and will be restored....

Romans 8:18-21

The Message (MSG)

18-21 That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.

God is going to change this world's circumstances. We will live in peace and contentment again. In time we all will be healed of all of our problems. Either on this side or on the next. The hard part for us is that we have to wait for this. During this waiting "The Evil One" is not making our lives easy. But soon he will be defeated too.

In time we will all be healed and safe, but for now we wait in certain anticipation of this. Are you waiting for healing? Do you have hope in this? If not turn to the one who can give you that hope!! Turn to the one who can put a smile back on your face! He is waiting in joyful anticipation for you, even more than you are waiting for healing from Him!


Monday, November 4, 2013


1 Timothy 3:5-13

The Message (MSG)

Leadership in the Church

1-7 If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! But there are preconditions: A leader must be well-thought-of, committed to his wife, cool and collected, accessible, and hospitable. He must know what he’s talking about, not be overfond of wine, not pushy but gentle, not thin-skinned, not money-hungry. He must handle his own affairs well, attentive to his own children and having their respect. For if someone is unable to handle his own affairs, how can he take care of God’s church? He must not be a new believer, lest the position go to his head and the Devil trip him up. Outsiders must think well of him, or else the Devil will figure out a way to lure him into his trap.

In my studies, today, I came across this passage. It made me think of my husband. He is a wonderful father and he is an amazing husband. He loves us with all his being, but more importantly he loves our God. He has loved and followed Him since he was young. He knew, then, that God was calling him into leadership. I love reading his old journals because I see the Christian boy turning into a man who goes on to follow that calling and become a pastor that preaches the gospel in a way that inspires others to be leaders.

Which leads me to the continuation of the passage. Not only do our pastors have conditions but so do we......  

8-13 The same goes for those who want to be servants in the church: serious, not deceitful, not too free with the bottle, not in it for what they can get out of it. They must be reverent before the mystery of the faith, not using their position to try to run things. Let them prove themselves first. If they show they can do it, take them on. No exceptions are to be made for women—same qualifications: serious, dependable, not sharp-tongued, not overfond of wine. Servants in the church are to be committed to their spouses, attentive to their own children, and diligent in looking after their own affairs. Those who do this servant work will come to be highly respected, a real credit to this Jesus-faith.

Workers in the church need to watch themselves as well. They shouldn't just expect their pastors to be as perfect as possible but also should watch out for their own behaviors as well. They need to control their tongues, be committed to their spouses, love their children and be above board. Most importantly they need to love their God with all their hearts. 

I love that these verses say the same for both men and women. I grew up in a church that did not think women could be leaders in the church but the scriptures say different. God made us as equals, but that also means we women need to be as devoted to our God, watch our tongues and be devoted to our men and family as well.

I have to admit that my tongue is one of my trouble spots. How about you? I pray about that all the time!

My hope for you is that you have found a church where there is a pastor that follows the conditions God has set for him or her. Where you can worship but also where you can be inspired to be a leader that God wants you to be. Imagine how at peace our world would be if we all had that.
