Thursday, February 28, 2013

Scary World

Man have you been watching TV lately? I try not to watch it too much but when the weather is weird I do have it on more. Besides, even though we are not to be "of this world" we do live in the this world and I think we need to stay informed of the things we could be involved in, or help with or the things that affect our family or even just us as individuals. But oh my goodness the stories that have been on the news...

Such as gun control, tax hikes, program cuts, debt, the Pope retiring, shootings, bad storms,wars, robberies and unrest throughout our country. The list of scary things is really sad.

How did our world get so scary?

Imagine the disciples world right after Jesus death on the cross. Their beloved leader had just had a trial, was tortured and killed on the cross. They have heard that he has raised from the dead, but let's be honest here. If you heard that, what would you believe? So here they sit, huddled in the upper room. The room where they, just the other day, had had their last supper with their Lord. The world was a very scary place right now!


John 20: 19-21 says:
Later on that day, the disciples gathered together, but fearful of the Jews had locked all the doors in the house. Jesus entered  and stood among them and said "Peace be with you" Then He showed His hands and side.
The disciples seeing their master with their own eyes were exuberant. Jesus repeated his greeting "Peace be with you".

There He was bringing peace again. Remember the peace He brought to the Sea of Galilee, the woman at the well, Lazarus and his sisters, the gentleman at Bethesda, the bleeding woman, the lepers, the five thousand, oh the list just goes on and on.

 The relief on their faces must have been something to see! He then goes on to finish verse 21, "Just as the Father sent me I send you".  The disciples did go out from there and started spreading His peace themselves. Don't get me wrong, their world did stay scary. In fact alot of the disciples were martyred for their beliefs but they kept His peace. You can see that as you read through the book of Acts and on into the New Testament.

What would having His peace look like for you? Maybe, even though the news speaks of all this unrest, you are at rest. Maybe your world breaks down around you, but you can stand strong. Maybe others see themselves as unworthy people, but you know you are forgiven and loved. Maybe everything is scary, but you do not have to be scared.

Look at the upper room as we see it today....

This tree was added to show how Christ's ministry branched out from this room. I like to think of it as arms reaching out to bring a much needed comfort to our scary world.

My hope for you today is that you do have His peace. The peace that comes when you see Jesus as the one who gave everything for you.

SCARY WORLD? Yes, but we can take it!


Monday, February 25, 2013

The Sunbeam

James 1:17
The Message (MSG)
17-  Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light. 
    Because of my diagnoses with Lupus the sun is now my enemy. Well not just the sun but lights of many kinds can make me sick.  To counter act their desctructive power over my body I wear long sleeves and sun screen and try to stay inside during the middle part of the day. 
    When I was younger I was a sun worshipper. I loved to be outside whenever I could. I loved the feel of the heat on my back and loved the glow of my skin when I turned tan. Now I am white as can be and if I feel the heat on my back I start to panic. Kind of makes me sad but I know I feel better if I watch my exposure.

    I have to tell you about one of the miracles of our trip to Israel. I prepared for this trip by making sure I packed long sleeve everything, even had a couple of shirts that had the UVA and UVB protection built right in the material. I packed a hat and tons of sunscreen. But there was nothing I could do about the touring schedule. I was going to be out all day, even in the  afternoon.

    I was prepared to spend most of my afternoons waiting on the the tour bus. I knew that the sun would just be too hot and this was my only solution. But it turned out that I only had to rest a couple of times and my Lupus never acted up. I was amazed at my energy levels and how I could always find a shady spot to be in as we listened to the guide. What a miracle that was.

    On the day we were standing in line at the Church of the Nativity, I looked up and saw this sunbeam shining through the window above. The amazing presence of God was so strong. The light was so beautiful. I could feel Him saying I am the light but my light is safe, my light is life. My light is always there for you.

    This may sound far fetched and a little self absorbed but I know that He showed me that that day to remind me, and to remind you, that He wants us all to feel safe in His light. He wants us all to feel safe in His love. He wants us all to feel His protection.

    Do you see His sunbeam for you today. Just look up!



Friday, February 22, 2013

Lover's in this life.

Philippians 1:9-11

The Message (MSG)
9-11 So this is my prayer: that your love will flourish and that you will not only love much but well. Learn to love appropriately. You need to use your head and test your feelings so that your love is sincere and intelligent, not sentimental gush. Live a lover’s life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus will be proud of: bountiful in fruits from the soul, making Jesus Christ attractive to all, getting everyone involved in the glory and praise of God.
As I was reading today this part of the verse popped out. "Live a lovers life".  What does this mean? To everyone this could mean something different. My first thought was of Rodney.  How he loves his Lord in a way the permeates his being. How he takes care of us as his family. How he loves me more than I could ever imagine How he guides and loves our boys as they traverse their lives. How he loves and respects his parents and sisters.  How he loves his congregation and worries over them as a mother hen.
Of course these are my thoughts of an earthly example of love. The life I live here. I know I too love our family, as Rodney, and would do any thing I could to keep them happy and safe. I know all kinds of women who are loved, and love, and would do all they can to protect there families as well!
As much as God gives us these loves and expects us to take care of them, I know He is talking of more than this.  He wants us to show the kind of love that He showed. Not only to the ones close to our hearts but to everyone around us. Be lovers to the person in line at the grocery store, to the teachers of our children, to the person who does our dry cleaning, even to the person who cuts us off on the highway. Christ showed compassion to all, Martha, Mary, the woman at the well, Zacheus, Nicodemus, Thomas and even the thief on the cross. He never judged, just taught, fed, protected and above all LOVED. Oh to be like that!!

May we all be lovers today!


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Carob_tree Pictures, Carob_tree Image, nature Photo Gallery
John The Baptist survived on the edible fruit of the locust TREE year-round!

MATTHEW, Chapter 3, Verse 4 (Last Half);
"....and his food was locusts and wild honey." KJV
John The Baptist did NOT survive YEAR-ROUND by eating bugs,
adult locusts, the flying grasshopper-like insect. (FAQ)

 (Matthew 3.4; Mark 1.6)

One of the things  that we learned, this trip, was that the Israeli people believe that this is what John the Baptist truly ate when he was in the wilderness. There are real locust in the region from time to time but the land where John was was a drier climate and locust bugs want moisture, So he could not have existed for long periods of time eating only the locust bugs.

Apparently the fruit inside these seed pods is delicious and full of nutrients including protein, according to our guide. She wouldn't let us try the ones she had in her hand because they had been on the ground too long. She did open one and the inside looked like orange marmalade to me.

Isn't it funny how words and meanings get twisted. Sometimes it is a language thing. Sometimes it is just a human thing. Depending on the day, how tired we are, how sensitive we are and the tone of the voice of the person speaking the words. Sometimes they are about bugs and sometimes they are about fruit. Which to me means some times the person is just speaking without really meaning anything and sometimes they are bearing their heart and soul. We as Christians need to listen with love, using all the gifts (fruit) that God has given us as we respond. Too bad the human side (the bug) is the one that usually does.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us. 1 John 4:11-12

Hope you have a fruitful day!!


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Memories of you

But Timothy has come to us just now. He has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have happy memories of us. He has also said they you long to see us, just as we long to see you.
II Timothy 3:6
As I was reading this verse today it reminded me of my past week in Israel. All of us that toured over there are having happy memories, this day, of all that we saw, felt and learned. I know that I am counting the days until Rodney and I can go again. I am sure the others are feeling the same.  
As much as I loved being where Jesus walked I kept thinking of our family and friends we left at home. I kept wishing that all of you could be there with us. I would see things that would remind me of you. For instance, Rodney's sister's family and some wonderful friends from Minnesota are very devout, loving Catholics. When we were in the Church of the Annunciation and saw this beautiful statue of Mary. All I could think of was "I wish Amy and Anne could see this". I especially thought of Anne when we were in St. Anne's Church. (This is the church home of Mary's mother.)
When I saw how the women of Israel dressed, worked, loved their children and worshipped our God, I kept thinking of the ladies of our Bible Studies. I wished that you all could be there to see for yourselves how much we are alike in living our lives.
Our group loved to sing hymns whenever we were in the different churches. The accoustics in these buildings was amazing. Everytime we sang I knew Rick and all of our choir members would haved wanted to be there to sing with us.
And of course we thought of our boys all the time. Whenever we saw the Israeli soilders we thought of our Phillip. How he loves and protects our country like these military people do theirs. We thought of Riley as we walked past music stores. The words were different but the beat was exactly what Riley loved. We brought some of it home for him and we were right, he really does enjoy the music. We also thought of Riley whenever we ate. We kept catching ourselves saying "Riley would want to eat this!"  
So as much as we relished walking in the footsteps of Jesus we loved how the thoughts and memories of  our family and friends kept coming with us, reminding us of how lucky we are to have you in our lives.!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Israel through the eyes of Sippy

I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget what you have said. Psalm  119:16

We have been especially blessed to have Sippy as our guide this week. She loves her country but more importantly she loves the Lord!  We have learned that her father was with the Israeli military, way back when, and was the one who smuggled out the future Prime Minister in a suitcase to save his life. Her husband is with Israeli intelligence.  She is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of two but her energy level put the most fit in our group to shame.  Another thing that is amazing about her is the everywhere we go she is respected and loved by everyone we deal with.  She has gotten us into places other groups couldn’t and gotten us in ahead of other groups at other places. When she took us to the tomb and to Jesus’ birth place we were there without a line. I guess this is unheard of.

While at the tomb she was telling us about how she knew we were in the exact location of the tomb and she started to tear up. You know that she has told thousands of groups about this spot but she still tears up at the amazing miracle of it all. When I commented to her about this she blushed and said “I love my Lord”.
She does love her Lord but she loves her country and all its history as well. When she stood with us just outside the garden and we were over looking all of Jerusalem. You could see all her excitement as she pointed out places, including where Abraham was to take Isaac to be sacrificed, the spot of Solomon’s temple, the Dome of the Rock and all of the gates of the old wall. You could also feel her sadness as she pointed out places like the trial place of Jesus and Calvary.
Sippy remembers her bible, every word of the Old and New Testament. She follows the laws of her people but understands who Christ is and follows his teachings. She steps into the old world but certainly lives in the new.
She has worn us out by almost dragging us to the next location and the next location. She has so much knowledge and so much love to share.  She just wants us to see it all through her eyes.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be like that?

Monday, February 4, 2013

Israel, here we come!

Well the bags are packed, all the arrangements for Riley are made and the house is clean. We leave for the Holy Land tomorrow. Walking where Jesus and his followers walked, standing on the shore of the the same water Jesus calmed. Maybe even eat some of the same kind of food they all ate. I can hardly believe what I am typing. We are so excited.

Have you had moments in your life where you are so excited by something? Where you just want to pinch yourself because you can't believe what is happening? Wouldn't it be great if being a follower of Christ was that kind of "exciting" for us everyday. Christ gave so much for us so that we could have life abundantly.

Romans 5:17B says:
Can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides?  (The Message) I love how the Message puts it.

Let's grab our forgiven, exciting life with both hands this week. Let's show everyone around us the grand life we live. Maybe they will want that life too!

Hope to chat with you this week from Israel!


Saturday, February 2, 2013


Today was ISSMA (Indiana State School Music Association) Competition for Riley. This is a judging of the student's music ability on their preferred instrument. In the past Riley has always played the xylophone but this year he decided to try playing the snare drum.

The trouble with that was we really couldn't help him at home as much as we would have liked because he has electric drums here and we can't hear them. Besides, Rodney and I are not up on all the different drum rolls and things anyway. We thought he was getting extra help at school but found out today, that this only happened once.

So Riley did most of this on his own except for his tutoring with Rick, the music leader at our church. Riley and he usually meet once a  week but Rick threw in some of extra practices just to make sure. Thank you so much Rick for the care, love and concern you have for our child!! It sure made a big difference for him. RILEY EARNED A GOLD MEDAL!

Another thing that really touched us today was how all his fellow drum line students and band teacher hung out with him. They listened to his warm up, hung out in the hallway as we waited our turn, carried his drum for him.,wherever we went, and even went in with him as he played for the judge. You should have seen the smiles on all their faces as we were told he made gold. Their genuine concern and affection for Riley brought tears to our eyes.

 Psalms 112:4,6 "Says that light shines in the darkness for good people." "A good person will not fail and he will always be remembered."

I can tell you that we will never forget the ones who are so good to our special son! Riley has made gold before, on the xylophone, but this year, as he worked so hard and we had to let go and let things just happen we realized, again, how special this time and place is for our family. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Time Management

Time Management

Well ladies I should not be setting down to write anything today because I have so much to do before we head to Israel next week. Ephesians 1:10 talks about when "time meets it's fulfillment".I know that this is referring to the second coming but it also reminds me of Tuesday morning when we need to be heading to the airport.

Again I can see God chuckling at me because I put too much stress on myself about certain things and worry far more than I need to. On the other hand I have responsibilities around our home that my men are counting on me for.

I love parts of my job. I love the smell of a clean dress shirt as it is being ironed. I love the smell of a clean sheet when my head hits the pillow at night. The trouble with these things is it takes me putting the laundry into the washing machine, then the dryer and then of course the folding and putting away. Have I ever told you I hate that part? I do not know why but I do.

 I keep trying to figure out how to invent disposable clothes. Buy a package of 5 and throw them away after each one is worn. After the 5 are gone you probably would like a different style anyway. I would. If anyone knows how we can get this done I would be so ever grateful.

OK, I have put off going to the dryer long enough! If I want to be able to pack clothes to wear over there and have clothes for Riley to wear when he is here with Grandma I need to get to the laundry room. Philippians 4:13 (The Message) says "I can make it through anything with the power of the one who makes me who I am." EVEN LAUNDRY!  Seriously, what can the "the one who made you who you are" help you with today?

Thanks so much for the distraction.
