Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Israel through the eyes of Sippy

I will delight in your statutes; I will not forget what you have said. Psalm  119:16

We have been especially blessed to have Sippy as our guide this week. She loves her country but more importantly she loves the Lord!  We have learned that her father was with the Israeli military, way back when, and was the one who smuggled out the future Prime Minister in a suitcase to save his life. Her husband is with Israeli intelligence.  She is a mother of 3 and a grandmother of two but her energy level put the most fit in our group to shame.  Another thing that is amazing about her is the everywhere we go she is respected and loved by everyone we deal with.  She has gotten us into places other groups couldn’t and gotten us in ahead of other groups at other places. When she took us to the tomb and to Jesus’ birth place we were there without a line. I guess this is unheard of.

While at the tomb she was telling us about how she knew we were in the exact location of the tomb and she started to tear up. You know that she has told thousands of groups about this spot but she still tears up at the amazing miracle of it all. When I commented to her about this she blushed and said “I love my Lord”.
She does love her Lord but she loves her country and all its history as well. When she stood with us just outside the garden and we were over looking all of Jerusalem. You could see all her excitement as she pointed out places, including where Abraham was to take Isaac to be sacrificed, the spot of Solomon’s temple, the Dome of the Rock and all of the gates of the old wall. You could also feel her sadness as she pointed out places like the trial place of Jesus and Calvary.
Sippy remembers her bible, every word of the Old and New Testament. She follows the laws of her people but understands who Christ is and follows his teachings. She steps into the old world but certainly lives in the new.
She has worn us out by almost dragging us to the next location and the next location. She has so much knowledge and so much love to share.  She just wants us to see it all through her eyes.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all be like that?

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like Jesus gave your group a special blessing by giving you Sippy to be your guide. She was so enthusiastic about her Lord. What a wonderful testament to His love.
