Thursday, October 10, 2013

Good With The Bad!

A couple of days ago Rodney, my husband, had a couple of vaccines. He is headed to Central America for a mission trip and needed to get them just in case. Probably he will not be in any danger of contraction of these diseases but there are some things that our bodies, here in the states, are not regularly exposed to, so they are a preventative measure.

But with every action there is a reaction and for my poor husband that certainly is the case. He woke up early this morning with a very high fever. He definitely is having a reaction to the shots and is, I'm sure, right now wondering if all of this is worth it.

In our lives, it seems, that we go along for a time with everything going great. It feels like things are always going to go our way, then BAM, we are knocked back off our feet and life looks very dismal. At these times we certainly wonder what we did to cause this and why did this have to turn out this way.

The bad with the good of these episodes in our lives is that sometimes we don't do anything to cause them. We live in an imperfect world thanks to sin being brought in. The serpent in the garden couldn't handle the perfection God had created. He wanted us knocked off our feet and He wanted us to take ours eyes off of God. That is what happened. As a result this world has spiraled into troubles more than not. Imperfection is rampant and things can't and won't go like we planned much of the time.

But don't give up! The good with the bad in our lives is that God is there in the midst of the troubles and is waiting to help us through.

This scripture is a great reminder of this truth....

Matthew 6:34

The Message (MSG)
34 “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
So the reaction to our troubles can and should be that we turn to God. We need to remember that He will help us through. If this is what we let happen, then the actions of this world won't be what defines us. God's reactions will!

Yes, Rodney has had an adverse reaction to the shots, but my sweet husband is not going to let this be the defining moment of his trip. I know he can hardly wait to get to Guatemala to see what God will do through him there. That will make all the discomfort of now be worth it for sure. That will be what defines him through all of this!!

How will you react the next time this world knocks you off your feet? What will define you, action or reaction? Good or bad? Here's to the God given good!!!


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