Monday, May 13, 2013


      Those who respect the Lord will have security,
               and their children will be protected.

Proverbs 14:26

New Century Version (NCV)

I should be rejoicing today because Dr Kermit Gosnell was found guilty of murder, of the aborting and then killing  of three late term babies. He also was found guilty of manslaughter for the adult patient who died of a drug overdose on his table. Really, though, to me, it is sad. The District Attorney is seeking the death penalty for him. Honestly another death will never bring back the lost lives taken by Dr. Gosnell. 

We need to respect life, but more importantly we need to respect the creator of life. He understands the balances that should to be maintained to keep our world healthy enough to protect our children. 

 There are always consequences for any action. The choices to disrespect life, especially the lives of innocent women and children, have bearings on the whole world.  There are great imbalances of the female population, in a few countries, all because of the preference to have boys. Many, many problems go along with this decision. 

Whole species have become extinct because of the lack of respect for the lives of animals. Now don't get me wrong, I know that God made them to provide food and clothing for us, but with proper care and maintenance we do not have kill complete segments of them.  

We have Global Warming, Pollution, Famine and desolate lands. All of these things surely have God just shaking His head.  It was His intent for us to be care takers of the earth and all of it's inhabitants. Sometimes we get things just right but when we don't, well................

Life is an amazing, precious gift from God!  We all surely would do well to remember that!


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