Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cherish Each Moment

Today I spent the afternoon with a very sad family. A wonderful man lost his fight with life early this morning after running into trouble with a semi, while riding his motorcycle. It is hard to understand why these things happen. One minute you have someone and the next minute you don't. Sometimes life is so mean, especially concerning death. I keep asking why life is so hard.  My wonderfully wise pastor husband can't answer me on this. No one can. This world does not spare any of us from hurt and pain. So all I could do, today, was listen and hug.

Job 4:19

So how much less these bodies composed of mud,
    fragile as moths?
These bodies of ours are here today and gone tomorrow

This uncertainty of life gives us all the more reason to make sure that the ones we love know how special they are to us. As a matter of fact we are to love all of our neighbors, as God does.

The scriptures tell us over and over to love one another...

Romans 12:10

Common English Bible (CEB)
10 Love each other like the members of your family. Be the best at showing honor to each other.

John 13:34

Common English Bible (CEB)
34 “I give you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, so you also must love each other.

Ephesians 4:2

Common English Bible (CEB)
Conduct yourselves with all humility, gentleness, and patience. Accept each other with love,

1 John 4:11

The Message (MSG)
11-12 My dear, dear friends, if God loved us like this, we certainly ought to love each other. No one has seen God, ever. But if we love one another, God dwells deeply within us, and his love becomes complete in us—perfect love!

As we go through this busy life. It can be tough to get chances to love and show love. There is so much on our plates and we are pushing everyday. Love is something we have to choose to do on a daily basis. Asking God to help us with this does make it easier.

As I sat with this sweet wife today, the one thing she could find comfort in was that she was positive that her lost husband had known that he was deeply loved, and she knew the same was true of his love for her. Imagine how much sadder she would be if they hadn't made sure of this each and every day of their lives together. 

I am not trying to be a fatalist but no one can know what a day will bring. Accidents happen, bodies fail, situations change and this world is getting weirder everyday. 

Don't let another day go by without holding tight to the ones you love. Tell them you love them. Show them you love them. Go out to your neighbors and show Christ's love to them too.  

You don't want to wish you had!


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