Last night we watched a sitcom where an actor from the past came back, after being diagnosed with an illness, to act again. In this sitcom his, real life, beautiful wife made an appearance on the show. We had always thought of her as a lovely woman who was aging quite nicely. As we watched her though, we thought there was something different about her. Then we finally realized what the difference was. She had had a face lift, well at least she had had her eyes done. It made her look different, fake. It took away from her natural beauty.
Are we as the watching audience so shallow that we will not watch older actors or is it that the powers that be in the hiring of actors are the miss guided ones? This desire to stay young has carried over into the real world and so many women and even men think that they need stay young looking to be attractive. I have to admit that I am not a fan of my rounder face which makes me have a full chin and I am not fond of my aging neck. I have to work on myself not to worry about these things and to remember that the world should not think less of me because I have some aging skin.
All of us have beauty inside and out. We all have so much to contribute to this world and this does not change just because we begin to get wrinkles, lines, a couple extra pounds, and a few gray hairs . God certainly does not see us as less, as we age. He is probably glad that we are maturing and wiser. Maybe we will be more apt to make better choices.
I was reading in Amos 6 and ran across this verse...
Woe to those addicted to feeling good—life without pain!
those obsessed with looking good—life without wrinkles!
Life does get to us. We feel the pressure to be better and to compete with each other in everything, including looks.
This kind of pressure takes our minds and hearts off the things that are really important, like loving our neighbors. We become obsessed with ourselves and life becomes "all about me" instead of loving and following our Lord.
Luke 10:27
Common English Bible (CEB)
27 He responded, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your being, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and love your neighbor as yourself.”
As we just read, our focus should not be on ourselves so much as on our God and on loving those around us. If this happens you can bet no one will think anything of you except that your are wonderful. If the rest of the world could follow this verse, too, no one would feel the need for a face lift or an eye job because all of us would feel like the beautiful and special people that God has created us to be!
Blessings Beautiful People!
As we just read, our focus should not be on ourselves so much as on our God and on loving those around us. If this happens you can bet no one will think anything of you except that your are wonderful. If the rest of the world could follow this verse, too, no one would feel the need for a face lift or an eye job because all of us would feel like the beautiful and special people that God has created us to be!
Blessings Beautiful People!