Saturday, February 22, 2014

Long Night

It is now about 6:45 in the morning and I am awake with only about an hour's worth of sleep from this last night. Hospitals are in the business of healing and they seem to be quite good at it, except for one thing, remembering the healing power of sleep. I know that meds are needed and orders have to be followed but goodness gracious couldn't they let a body sleep at least two hours at a time and does blood have to be drawn from a person in the dark hours? Maybe it's because they know most people are not a fan of this and they try to catch you when you won't fight back.

Please forgive my complaining, but golly I am tired! I know poor Rodney is too. He had enough struggles just trying to sleep on the short couch, and I know he got awakened every time I did. I am sending him home tonight so that he will be able to preach a coherent sermon in the morning. Though isn't it sweet that he insists on staying with me whenever I am in the hospital.
Yes it was a long night but in the end it will be worth it, when I have a knee that will work without pain.

There were many instances in the Bible when men and women had long nights. Here are two from the Old Testament........

2 Samuel 12:16
Common English Bible (CEB)
16 David begged God for the boy. He fasted and spent the night sleeping on the ground.
Daniel 6:18
Common English Bible (CEB)
18 The king then went home to his palace and fasted through the night. No pleasures were brought to him, and he couldn’t sleep.

In 2 Samuel, David is praying for the life of his new born son to be spared. And in Daniel, the king is dealing with his conscience.
In both of these verses the men were calling out and were very much aware that the God of the day was the very same God of the night.

The author in Psalm put it very nicely.......

Psalm 42:8
Common English Bible (CEB)
By day the Lord commands his faithful love;
    by night his song is with me—
    a prayer to the God of my life.

Isn't is comforting to know that no matter what we are going through, or when we are going through it, God is there and in control. I did pray quite a bit last night, for sleep. But every time he was gently leading me there, my door opened again!!!

Oh well, please forgive my tired ranting. The surgery is over, healing has begun and I will get sleep at home.


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