Sunday, February 16, 2014

Are You Negative?

Today during Rodney's sermon we read scriptures about Andrew and Philip. The text was about Jesus feeding the 5000. Philip could only see the reasons why these people couldn't be fed and Andrew found Jesus a way to get it done.

One disciple was negative and not very helpful, one was positive and, very much, helpful. Do you know people who are negative like Philip? Me too. Hey, sometimes I feel that way, myself. It makes for a very sad day when I am.  All I can do is feel grouchy and sorry for myself.

When we are being so negative we tend to miss all the blessings we have around us. We don't see the beauty in the world. We don't see how wonderful our families are. We don't see how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends. We don't see that God has given us so much. All we see is that others have more than us. That even though they may not even believe in Christ, they seem to be doing so much better than we think we are doing.

In the scriptures we can read that the author of Psalm 73 seemed to feel just like us........

Psalm 73:1The Message (MSG)

73 1-5 No doubt about it! God is good—
good to good people, good to the good-hearted.
But I nearly missed it,
missed seeing his goodness.
I was looking the other way,
looking up to the people
At the top,
envying the wicked who have it made,
Who have nothing to worry about,
not a care in the whole wide world.

 The author realized that he almost missed all of what God had given to him.
He realized that his focus was on the wrong thing. He realized that he was being far from positive.
How sad it is that we can be just like him. We waste so much time and effort looking away from the good around us. Looking away from the miracles God gives to us everyday.

Let's all of us try working at staying positive this week.

I bet our days will go so much better if we keep our eyes turned toward all the goodness of God. I know that we will definitely have better days. Maybe we will even be surprised at all the wonderful things we find in this world. Maybe we will be surprised at the energy we have because we are not wasting it worrying about what we cannot do anything about.

People will see smiles on our faces and not frowns. They will see God shining through. Then, just maybe, they will want the same smile on their faces too!

Here's to a great week!!!



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